point factor method of job evaluation example

various characteristics of jobs and the determining degree to which the ease of such factors is present in the job. The job evaluation factors for the new management classification plan are: • Managerial and Consultative Role - 6 levels • Impact - 10 levels . Ranking Method: This is the simplest and an inexpensive job evaluation method, wherein the jobs are ranked from he highest to the lowest on the basis of their importance in the organization. The points for individual factors are added up to get a point value for the whole job. Training the six members (the job evaluation committee) and C. Job evaluation D. Point factor evaluation. For example, the highest points assigned to an officer's job in a bank come to 540. 3. This method is probably the simplest as you simply order the jobs in . The Point Method. 4. The aim of factor comparison is to assign financial value to the relative parts of each job role. On a high level, the steps for this approach are as follows: Jobs are listed; Evaluation factors are defined; Scoring degrees on these factors are determined ; Per job, points are allocated for each factor; A wage structure is defined The. The point factor method is the most commonly used approach to job evaluation. D. position analysis questionnaire plan. The four methods available are ranking, classification, factor comparison, and point method to choose in utilizing the aspects to assist in job evaluation. 4. Point-factor based job evaluation is a quantitative form of job evaluation that uses defined factors and levels within them. Point-Factor Method Job Evaluation Exercise Instructions In this exercise, you will have an opportunity to rank order 8 jobs in a hotel based on the points that you will generate from a point-factor method. Job evaluation is a systematic process that determines the relative worth of jobs within an organization.

STEP 2: Select a job evaluation method The process of defining a job is called job analysis. Learn about the four methods of job evaluation, which include ranking, classification, point-factor rating, and factor comparison. In the case of the accounting department, there are five compensable factors that will be used.

It helps in evaluating jobs by giving a detailed, analytical and quantitative evaluation. The point method is widely used. Key Words: Job Evaluation, Point Rating, Factor Comparison, Factor Plan, Linear Programming. Choose compensable factors. The information obtained in job analysis is recorded in the precise language of a job description. Under this method of job evaluation, jobs are broke down based on various identifiable factors such as skill, effort . 2. Submitting the position questionnaire to the administrators to determine their responsibilities, knowledge, work conditions, etc; 2. Factors of factor comparison. It helps in evaluating jobs by giving a detailed, analytical and quantitative evaluation. various characteristics of jobs and the determining degree to which the ease of such factors is present in the job. Job evaluation is a systematic method by which compensation professionals compare jobs to determine pay rates that are internally equitable and externally competitive. In this guide we use the Hay or Point method, this is the most common method for job evaluation. 2. 'factor comparison' job evaluation method and in the early 1950s consolidated the method into the Korn Ferry Hay Group Guide Charts (Bellak, 1984). 2 . This is the same as in other methods of job evaluation. Point Method Steps. As originally developed this method involves ranking of jobs in respect of certain factors and usually involves the assigning of money wages to the job depending upon the ranking. Continue until each factor is rated for a specific job. Job Evaluation is a systematic process for ranking jobs logically and fairly by comparing job against job or against a pre-determined scale to determine the relative importance of jobs to an organisation . Mental effort, physical effort, skills required supervisory responsibilities, working conditions, and other relevant factors. organization identifies the compensable fact ors and breaks them down into degrees.

Step 4 Define compensable factors After we know the compensable factors from the step 3, we must define one of them and make it specifically. In some FES standards the point values for factors 6 and 7 are . Job evaluation is a systematic method by which compensation professionals compare jobs to determine pay rates that are internally equitable and externally competitive. It is composed of eleven (11) factors that have been designed to capture the elements of skill, responsibility, effort and working conditions.

The method for determining an occupational series is the same for all positions, but the methods for determining grades differ according to the basic job evaluation approach used. The use of limited number of factors (usually five) ensures less chances of overlapping and over-weighting of factors. It is a systematic method of job evaluation. Select benchmark jobs. organization must . The points for each factor are summed to form a total point score for the job. Factor comparison is systematic and scientific method designed to carry out job evaluation which instead of ranking job as a whole, ranks according to a series of factors. Equal Pay Act generic plan. The Factor Evaluation System (FES) is the method most often used to assign grades to nonsuper- . Talent Pool Potential Methods of Job Evaluation - With Advantages and Disadvantages: Ranking, Job Classification, Factor Comparison and Point Method. Guide Chart and Profile Method of job evaluation, the The human management and senior management team incorporates one the methods that is geared to managing the evaluation processing (George and Jones, 2005). Point factor analysis (PFA) is a systemic bureaucratic method for determining a relative score for a job. Determine weight of factors. Of all job evaluation methods, the point-factor method is probably the best known. The first two are quantitative and the latter two are non-quantitative. After this stage, it is usual to group into different grades those jobs to Job Evaluation Revisited: The Point Factor Method: The point factor method of job evaluation consists of a large number of discretionary decisions that result in something that appears to be entirely objective and, even, scientific The method is flexible as there is no upper limit on the rating of a factor.

3. Each degree is assigned a different number of points of different factor. The point factor method which uses points to assess the compensable factors is the most commonly used approach when it comes to job evaluation. 1. Point Method is used for job evaluation. Once the compensable job factors developed, positions are compared to the factors and the appropriate number of points is assigned. classification, factor comparison, and point-rating. Support Staff Job Evaluation Manual Job Evaluation System Introduction This section describes the point rating system that will be used to evaluate Support Staff positions. This approach identifies job factors that add value and worth to a position. Out of these, first two methods are non . The Korn Ferry Hay Group Guide Charts are proprietary instruments that yield consistent and legally defensible evaluations of the content of jobs. 231 to 304. It provides numerical base for determining wage differentials. The most widely used point method job evaluation is the: A. Hay plan. Factor comparison definition. Factor Points Job Evaluation System: Paying for Points. Each job is placed into the job class where the evaluator finds the best fit. Job Evaluation by Factor Comparison Method. Using job evaluation points in this way is called the "Pay for Points" system. There are a number of ways to approach job evaluation, but there are four primary methods that all HR professionals should know. For years, the point factor method was the most widely used . 3. We'll look at the four major methods used in job evaluation and the advantages/disadvantages of each Job Ranking Method Job Classification Method Point Method Factor Comparison Method. STEPS IN THE POINT METHOD STEP 1: SELECT THE JOB CLUSTER AND THE JOBS TO BE EVALUATED. The information obtained in job analysis is recorded in the precise language of a job description. Factor Identification. The Hay System is a job performance evaluation method that is widely used in North America and Europe.

Internally Consistent Compensation Systems and Competitive Strategy. The four methods available are ranking, classification, factor comparison, and point method to choose in utilizing the aspects to assist in job evaluation.

Define factor degrees. Each factor is then divided into levels or degrees which are then assigned points. Job requirements are compared to the definitions of the factor levels, with corresponding points assigned to the job based on the relevant level.

Moreover, Job Evaluation methods play a vital role in the success of an organization by providing management power and systematic functioning of the hired employees.. Job Evaluation has its advantages as well as disadvantages, moreover, there is a reason behind every step that takes in a company, so there are many different reasons and factors that make the company imply the Job Evaluation . The Factor Comparison Method . Point-Factor Method Job Evaluation Exercise Instructions In this exercise, you will have an opportunity to rank order 8 jobs in a hotel based on the points that you will generate from a point-factor method. As this tends to be more complex, only a few organizations employ this method. The following statement is an example of _____ of job evaluation. The analyst, however, can combine two or more methods for counter . 4. Categorize Job Job Evaluation Revisited: The Point Factor Method: The point factor method of job evaluation consists of a large number of discretionary decisions that result in something that appears to be entirely objective and, even, scientific 1. 2. There are several job evaluation methods from which to select. There are four basic methods of job evaluation: ranking method, job grading method, point method and factor comparison method. At the end, a nal rank order was established for a meaningful base to build up a grade structure. The factor points are then added to determine the position's total point value. 176 to 230. This method identifies four primary compensable factors used to determine pay. Jobs can then be banded into grades, and the grades used to determine pay.PFA is a type of job evaluation; the main advantage of PFA is that it is systemic and analytical.. Jobs are broken down into factors such as "knowledge required". The basic objective of job evaluation is to determine the relative contributions that the performance of different jobs makes towards the realization of organisational objectives. The method evaluates the compensable factors of each job. Workers of the organisation favour the system. The correct answer is the most distinguishable feature of the point-factor method that other job evaluation methods are not able to achieve. They include education, supervision exercised, mental demands, experience, and finally complexity of duties. 3. point factor method. The job factors are separated into groups (i.e., skill, responsibility, effort) and assigned a numerical or weighted point value. The modified Aiken plan described here is a factor comparison plus factor analysis plus point evaluation. Each job's point value will be determined by calculating the weighted average of the points obtained for the different compensation factors (i.e. Point Method . Two Examples of Job Evaluation Techniques. Job evaluation is a systematic way of determining the value/worth of a job about other jobs in an organization. Non-analytical Job Evaluation Methods. 33/-/ •o u-5w3 TableofContents INTRODUCTION JOBEVALUATION JOBEVALUATIONHISTORY 13 BASICMETHODSINUSE page13 TheRankingMethod 14 TheClassificationMethod 14 TheFactorComparisonMethod 15 ThePointSystem 16 ESSENTIALSOFAJOB EVALUATIONSYSTEM page19 EstabHshingPolicies 20 SelectingthePlan 20 ChoosingtheFactors 21 DeterminingDegreesandPoints 22 JobDescription 24 TheActualJob-EvaluationProcess Training 3. The information derived from a job analysis is vital for establishing the relative worth of the jobs within the company through a systematic process called j. In our example, the evaluator has selected the 1st answer for the "Design and development of solutions" factor, which brings 135 x 2.5% = 3 points to . O*NET Content Model. Point-Factor Method. The point method is an extension of the factor comparison method. Just as with other methods or other job evaluation methods, the point method generally uses a setof factors like skill, effort, responsibility and job conditions. It is time consuming and expensive process. Factor Comparison Method Like the Point-Factor Method, this strategy has job factors identified under primary groups, and each factor is assigned a dollar value as opposed to a point value. Each factor consists of a factor For example, a job that requires 4-6 years' of experience is given a respective factor point value of 50 points. B. HRM BY, kevimedo Job Evaluation Methods.

. Examples • a dog pound attendant was rated more highly than a child care worker • zookeeper rated more highly than day care worker Point Method of Job Evaluation Advantages of using the point method 1. Experience Requirements. Point-factor method. Each factor is then divided into levels or degrees which are then assigned points. Job evaluation methods have evolved over time to suit the specific needs of the growing economy and other developments in the word. For more information, refer to Module People, Functional Area 4, Section Evaluate all jobs. The four primary methods of job evaluations used to set compensation levels are point factor, factor comparison, job ranking, and job classification. Thomas E. Hitten was the first to originate factor comparison method of job evaluation.

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point factor method of job evaluation example