temporary methods of contraception ppt

3. Health care providers play an important role in helping people find and use a method that is both effective and acceptable. To help the woman develop a transition plan from LAM to another method - Limited duration, during lactation only (Short period).

These methods can be implemented both in men and women. barrier methods - condoms. 50. who need a temporary method while awaiting the start of another method; or who have intercourse infrequently.

60. 26.5.

Use of modern, temporary contraception (n=3,352) IPV in last 12 months. Fertility control includes fertility inhibition or contraception and fertility . vasectomy - a minor surgical procedure that stops sperm being ejaculated from the penis during sex (it is usually permanent) Some men use withdrawal to try to prevent pregnancy, when they . The methods available currently in India may be broadly divided into two categories, spacing methods and permanent methods. natural family planning (fertility awareness) progestogen-only pill.

Spacing Methods • Help in prevention of pregnancy as long as they are used. 30. View 160130239-Birth-Control.ppt from MED MISC at Cebu Technological University (formerly Cebu State College of Science and Technology).


A 2-year birth interval, which is recommended for family spacing, is not possible solely using LAM. ADVERTISEMENTS: The contraceptive methods may be broadly grouped into two classes - the spacing or temporary methods and the terminal or permanent methods. Natural Methods • Natural methods do not involve the use of any of the man made devices. Contents.

This approach combined temporary contraception (giving women time to get an appointment with their usual contraceptive provider) with facilitated access to a specialist contraceptive service in which all methods of contraception, including the most effective methods of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), were available. Conclusion VSC is a very effective method of permanent contraception Ideal for ones who have completed family Safe and inexpensive Abortion termination of pregnancy before the viability of the foetus - 28 weeks/1000 gms Types Spontaneous - in every 15 pregnancies - known and unknown reasons Induced - used as family planning method - health of . ; Although sterilization, or a tubal ligation (), for women and vasectomy for men can sometimes be reversed, the surgery is much more complicated than the original procedure and may not be successful.

With the client's permission, include partner Birth spacing/limiting If she does not want contraception, to help her choose an appropriate method, taking into consideration whether or not she is breastfeeding. How to use pages as handouts In order to give information to the client on the method she or he chooses, the methods pages were designed to be photocopied front and back and given to the client.

The couple avoids vaginal sex, or uses condoms or a diaphragm from the first day of monthly bleeding until 3 . PROFESSOR DEFINITION • "A way of thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily, upon the basis of knowledge, attitudes and responsible decisions by individuals and couples, in order to promote the health and welfare of the family group and thus contribute effectively to the social development of a country" In Hatcher RA, Trussell J, Stewart F, Cates W, Stewart GK, Kowel D, Guest F, Contraceptive Technology: Seventeenth Revised Edition. 2. Predicting fertility: Basal Body Temperature & Calendar method Withdrawal/Pullout Abstinence** The only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy, STIs, HIV/AIDS. Method type among contraceptive users (n=1,437) LARC.

Family planning is the planning of when to have children, and the use of birth control and other techniques to implement such plans. Birth Control. 2. Factors influencing population growth can be grouped into following 3 categories-Unmet need of Family Planning: This includes the currently married women, who wish to stop child bearing or wait for next two or more years for the next child birth, but not using any contraceptive method.Total unmet need of Family Planning is 12.9 (NFHS-IV) in our country.

Natural methods a. LAM — Lactational amenorrhea method b. Among the 1.9 billion Women of Reproductive Age group (15-49 years) worldwide in 2019, 1.1 billion have a need for family planning; of these, 842 million are using contraceptive methods, and 270 million have an unmet need for contraception [1,2] IPV in last 12 months. Male Condom Advantages: Provides greater protection against STDs than any other method of contraception Provides substantial protection against pregnancy when used with a spermicide Does not require a prescription Can be used with other methods Inexpensive and widely available.

Your health care provider puts the IUD into the uterus through the vagina. 9 Family Planning: Contraceptive Methods.

Other methods of birth control.

Chemical Methods. Some methods may be obtained over the counter, others may require medical advice or even surgical intervention.

Behavioral Hormonal Barrier Spermicides Long-Term / Permanent. Male and female condoms b. Exclusive breastfeeding can be time consuming.

Alternative temporary methods of contraception should be provided. 10. i. Natural family planning c. Coitus interruptus (withdrawal) 4. Used alone or in combination with barrier methods 3. 1 Sterilization (the operation for no more children) 1.1 The operation for the man (Vasectomy) 1.1.1 More Information. Many Indian women undergo sterilization at relatively young ages as a consequence of early marriage and . Family Planning and Method Use in India For many women female sterilization is the first and only contraceptive method they use (Zavier and Padmadas 2000).

Using the Categories in Practice. There are many different contraceptive methods. non-LARC.

PPTAD: REP PHYSIO : CONTRART. Fertility Management Contraception I. Spermicides a. This can be an effective method if the pills are taken regularly, and in the correct manner. These actions differ from many other health interventions in that the motivation for their use is not necessarily limited to better health and involves cultural and societal norms.

Some do not want to depend on their partner for the success of the method. in india "nirodh" is the popularly marketed condom made up of latex.

Providing a wide range of contraceptive methods for post abortion clients Effective programs need to ensure an adequate supply and wide range of contraceptive methods in treatment rooms, including temporary and long-acting methods. Explain: Contraception means preventing pregnancy. Permanent Methods of Family Planning. Calender method / safe period method / natural method.

Barrier methods a. Non-prescription i.

The conditions affecting eligibility for the use of each contraceptive method were classified under one of four categories .

There are different methods of contraception, including: Contraception options. 70. Contraceptive efficacy. Out of the several methods, only a few are .

Main findings Knowledge of family planning is very high, except in two areas (56%) 19% of women use a modern method of contraception (24% use any method) Use of any contraceptive method has been increasing since 1995 (13%) to 24% in 2000 Use varies greatly by residence, region and level of education Main findings Injectables and the daily and . The couple avoids vaginal sex, or uses condoms or a diaphragm from the first day of monthly bleeding until 3 . 38. Contraceptive use by experience of IPV Birth control pills, also known as oral contraceptives, stop the development of the egg, and also helps in the thickening of the cervical mucus in the uterus, thus restricting the passage of sperms to the egg. Today, we have many safe and effective birth control methods available to us, some are temporary and permanent contraceptive methods. Long-term Contraceptive Methods. Types of Contraception A. Overview: Basic types 1. The IUD works up to

BIRTH CONTROL METHODS / FAMILY PLANNING HORMONAL METHODS • Concerns regarding the mechanisms of action of emergency contraception (EC) create major barriers to widespread use and could also lead to incorrect use of EC and overestimation of its effectiveness. Spacing Methods:- These are the reversible methods of contraception to be used by couples who wish to have children in future. There is another method (emergency contraceptive pill) to be used in cases of emergency. - Restricted method, not any woman can use, only breast feeders. Birth control includes a variety of devices and procedures by which conception can be prevented.

Despite more types of contraception methods (see box) now available free under India's family planning programme, fewer women are using modern methods of contraception — 47.8% in 2015-16 . Family planning..ppt. The oral pills were the most commonly used method, with 70.2% users primarily depending on them.

1. However, this bone loss is generally regained after discontinuing use of DMPA. Intrauterine contraceptive devices. Family Planning Family planning is the planning of when to have children, and the use of birth control and other techniques to implement such plans. Finally, as with other natural methods, LAM does not provide protection against STDs.

contraceptive method. TERMINAL METHODSI.

0. While the copper intrauterine device (Cu-IUD) is the most effective method available for EC, the hor … Effective methods of contraception are also highly cost-effective (Fig. 1.2 The operation for the woman (Tubal Ligation)

male contraception at a glance PowerPoint Presentation. If the method is a barrier, check the "B" column, hormonal "H" column, natural "N" column, permanent "P" column, and ineffective "I" column. • Permanent Methods(Tubal Ligation,Vasectomy.) - Provide no protection against STDs. Contraceptive methods are preventive methods to help women avoid unwanted pregnancies. To prepare her to use the method effectively. Irrespective of these additional considerations, these interventions have important health implications. There are different kinds of birth control that act at different points in the process.

injectable contraceptives . Some benefits of coitus interruptus are that the method, if used correctly, does not affect breastfeeding and is always available for primary use or use as a back-up method. To make them work best they have to be used in short time intervals from single use (e.g. 14 In an analysis in the managed care payment model, 5-year costs associated with reversible methods increase as the effectiveness of the method decreases; nearly all cost with less effective methods is related to unintended pregnancy rather than method acquisition. Health systems and individuals can take a number of actions to safeguard reproductive health.

"Birth control is the use of certain devices, drugs or surgical procedures in both males and females, to prevent conception. Some want a method that guarantees there is no chance of pregnancy. Contraception Definition Contraception (birth control) prevents pregnancy by interfering with the normal process of ovulation, fertilization, and implantation. Health-care providers can use these categories when assessing the safety of contraceptive method use for women and men with specific medical conditions or characteristics.

temporary methods of contraception 1. barrier methods or mechanical methods- male condom it is made up of poly urethane or latex. In this method, the sexual act is avoided from day 10th to 17th of the menstrual cycle because, during this period, ovulation is expected and therefore, the chances of . Rhythm Methods.

• These methods can help in timing and spacing of pregnancies, preventing unwanted children. 40. Avoid sex or use another method until 3 days after the temperature rise. long-acting reversible contraception - the implant or intra uterine device (IUD) hormonal contraception - the pill or the Depo Provera injection. polyurethane condoms are better suited to latex sensitive people. male sterilisation (vasectomy) You can also read about emergency contraception, which can be used after unprotected sex or if your normal method of contraception fails. Session guide 1. Methods include: Hormonal contraceptive methods . Background The recent decline in fertility in India has been unprecedented especially in southern India, where fertility is almost exclusively controlled by means of permanent contraceptive methods, mainly female sterilization, which constitutes about two-thirds of overall contraceptive use.

Among typical couples who initiate use of a method (not . Check a showcase of our Male Contraception PowerPoint Presentation. Contraceptives use: Out of the total participants, 225 women (44.8%) were using or had used a contraceptive method continuously for at least one year (Table 2).

Barrier Methods. POWERPOINT TEMPLATE DESCRIPTION: Birth Control PowerPoint Template is a pink template with a symbolic background image of birth control pills that you can use to make an elegant and professional PPT presentation.

contraceptive method. 90.

Depend on time of ovulation. Some want a quick return to fertility so they can get pregnant soon after stopping a contraceptive method. Emergency contraceptives: Use of emergency contraceptive pills or placement of a copper intrauterine contraceptive after unprotected intercourse substantially reduces the risk of pregnancy.

Currently, permanent birth control methods include surgical procedures that lead to permanent sterilization. Methods of Contraception Abstinence No physical side effects Can be used anytime Nothing to purchase Ideal for young people not yet involved in a mature relationship *Requires commitment & self-control THE ONLY 100% EFFECTIVE METHOD Birth Control Pill Continuous protection against pregnancy Reversible Also treats PMDD symptoms *must remember to take daily *not suitable for all; possible side . the pill) to up to 3 monthly application (e.g.

The methods include vaginal ring, contraceptive shots, intrauterine device or IUD, and implantable rod.

Using contraceptive methods is the easiest method for a couple to avoid pregnancy and enjoy a tension free physical relationship. Other Organizations/More Information

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temporary methods of contraception ppt