-vn = enlever le stream vidéo, ceci va accélérer le traitement. I believe it would be better if you could provide the original dvb stream (assuming it was recorded from dvb). It is a pity that you can't see it in these samples because I can see it quite clearly in ffplay/vlc using the samples provided. Do you see that too, and if so, isn't that confirmation of the bug as it's changing 2 frames later in the failed clip so the sync is out by 2 frames? Please elaborate if you are reporting a problem with AV sync OR a problem with frame duplication OR a problem with file duration. Yes, I carried out further testing of the http://jwjwjw.com/ffmpeg/bbcnews-original.mp4 source file using a basic command line to rule out any other options or external libraries: It yields the following results in different versions of ffmpeg: c5ea3a0 onwards up to and including git-master (file is out of sync): The following command shows that there are additional frames at the start of the out of sync output that are not present in the in sync output, whilst the audio is the same in all 3 clips (so the sync is out by the number of additional frames): So it seems to be a regression since 8f5bb35 but something also changed in c5ea3a0 too. Using -vsync 1 has always fixed this in the past but it no longer works with the latest version of ffmpeg (N-43888-gfef9e84). duration=20 = l’analyse va se faire sur 20 secondes, soit 20000 samples de 48 (précision de 1ms). Many people have requested the packaging of ffmpeg in Debian, as it is more feature-complete and in many cases less buggy. Divisez par 48 000Hz, on trouve un total de 12 secondes. http://jwjwjw.com/ffmpeg/bbc1-fail.mov is an example output from the new version of ffmpeg. Encoded using git-master: http://jwjwjw.com/ffmpeg/bbcnews-git-master.mp4 n’hésitez pas à partager votre expérience par rapport à l’utilisation de ce filtre en vue de son amélioration. For me, all three videos play in-sync, so please upload a longer original, see http://ffmpeg.org/bugreports.html. http://archive.org/~tracey/downloads/libx264-IA.ffpreset.txt; http://archive.org/~tracey/_/tv-a-change/boo.mpg, http://archive.org/~tracey/downloads/libx264-IA.ffpreset.txt. This does not mean that the video frames will match some imagined correct reference just the AV sync itself should be correct (and i can confirm that AV sync was not correct previously with test media where it could be tested clearer). ref=0 = on prends comme référence le premier input, 1 le deuxième …etc. ASYNC – Synchronisation des vidéos sur FFMPEG Last updated on 12 octobre 2017 Assez facile, vous me direz, de faire une synchronisation des prises de plusieurs caméras en ayant les waveforms affichés sur la timeline d’un logiciel de montage. Si vous voulez aussi appliquer les modifications du filtre remap pour la déformation 4K 16/9 Superview au 4K 4:3 vu précédemment, faites : Il vous reste à configurer ffmpeg et faire un make. Log of the old version of ffmpeg that generates an in sync file, Log of the latest version of ffmpeg that generates an out of sync file. http://jwjwjw.com/ffmpeg/bbc1-ok.mov is an example output from the old working version of ffmpeg. But even with the previously provided clip, converting it to an image sequence shows the problem: ffmpeg -i bbc1-fail.mov badjpg/video%d.jpg Au lieu d’avoir des logiciels pour faire plusieurs opérations, on peut centraliser la chaîne de production avec un seul logiciel, ffmpeg, telles que la synchro, le stitching et le rendu final pour le logiciel de montage. En se basant sur un filtre déjà existant, le AMIX qui, à la base, mixe plusieurs inputs en un seul output, le professeur Sébastien Roy a mis au point un filtre qui permet de créer une enveloppe sur chaque stream audio, de comparer les résultats entre les inputs et d’afficher les offsets qui peut y avoir par rapport à un fichier de référence, avec une précision de 0ms (c’est à dire parfaite !). It seems that the latest version of ffmpeg from git has a bug with -vsync 1. The sample outputs were encoded using libx264 and libfaac to reduce the file size but the problem occurs regardless of video or audio codec and the use or omission of -async has no effect either. Les champs obligatoires sont indiqués avec *, Ce site est mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons - emirchouchane.com - 2019, microcontrôleur esp8266 - Installation et utilisation, Configurer un serveur MQTT avec Raspberry Pi, Transformation 4K SuperView 16:9 > 4:3 >…, Tutoriel vidéo : création de particule sur Processing. ffmpeg -i inputfile.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 1 -vcodec libx264 -r 23.976 -threads 0 -b:v: 1024k -bufsize 1216k -maxrate 1280k -preset medium -profile:v high -tune film -g 48 -x264opts no-scenecut -pass 1 -acodec aac -b:a 192k -ac 2 -ar 48000 -af "aresample=async=1:min_hard_comp=0.100000:first_pts=0" -f mp4 -y outputfile.mp4 si le répertoire existe déjà, choisir un autre nom. After running git bisect I don't think the problem is specifically related to -vsync actually, it's just a regression as a result of the fix for #137. Using -vsync 1 has always fixed this in the past but it no longer works with the latest version of ffmpeg (N-43888-gfef9e84). No sync issues. Both versions were encoded using identical ffmpeg parameters: ffmpeg -i bbcnews-original.mp4 -vb 500k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -vcodec libx264 -acodec libfaac -vsync 1 -async 1 -ab 128k bbcnews.mp4. Again the sync is only slightly out in the git master version, but at least for me it is noticeable and definitely not present in the version encoded by N-31890-gecaf514. Dans ASYNC, les options sont la précision (exprimée en hz), le nombre de sample et enfin déterminer le fichier référence. Si les 20 premières secondes de la vidéo ne matchent pas ou que la deuxième caméra se déclenche bien après les 20 secondes, il suffit de corriger avec un -ss avant l’input, c’est à dire avancer l’analyse d’un nombre de seconde choisit en -ss. Audio sync method. It does, however, work with an earlier version, N-31890-gecaf514. (20000×48/48000=20s) attention à ne pas dépasser les 20 000 samples, sinon la mémoire alloué pour le traitement va être dépassé et le programme n’affichera aucun résultat. Powered by Trac 1.0.9 I have included log files which should hopefully shed more light on it. Unfortunately at the moment I am not able to record a longer clip. The problem is AV sync which is only apparent in the output files based on the bbcnews-original.mp4 sample that have been generated with a duration that is not 00:01:37.76. The change in duration or frame duplication is not a proof of av desync and there is currently no solid Thanks Carl! N-31890-gecaf514 results in a file with a duration of 00:00:49.64 and the latest version produces a file with a duration of 00:00:49.72. Included is a sample file (bbc1sample.mp4) as well as two ffmpeg output files, bbc1-ok.mov and bbc1-fail.mov, the 'ok' being encoded using N-31890-gecaf514 which is in perfect sync and the 'fail' being from the latest git master (N-43888-gfef9e84) which slowly drifts out of sync (I think it's out by around 0.1s in the sample media because I couldn't upload a larger clip, but as time goes by the sync gets worse and you can notice the lipsync is slightly off when the man is talking in vision). Si jamais vous avez besoin d’aide, vous pouvez laisser un commentaire en bas de l’article avec, idéalement, une copie des messages générés par ffmpeg suite à l’exécution du filtre. Using VLC or encoding to FLV and playing it in Flash does exhibit the sync issue. OK, so -async 1 (at least per the documentation) makes it sound like it only corrects A/V sync issues at the start of the source video. Here is another sample file: http://jwjwjw.com/ffmpeg/bbcnews-original.mp4 By Edgewall Software. Il est aussi possible de rajouter en input des fichiers .wav, par exemple un enregistrement provenant du Zoom H2N en mode Spatial Audio. Tracey Jaquith
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