Assuming it’s only apps with very primitive app-purchase-check function that can be prised open. And, tap on add source. Any jailbreak tool listed above would install Cydia app during jailbreaking process. It walks you through the entire process from beginning to end in a very straightforward manner. IAP Cracker also doesn’t support every game or app so it might be worthwhile checking to see if the one you are using currently will work before installing or jailbreaking. What you do with that information is entirely up to your conscience. You’ve successfully installed iAP Cracker on your iDevice, but I would say I wouldn’t work if your iPhone doesn’t have AppSync plugin installed. My friend suggesting me another iAP tweak rather than this one! Today, the developers of iAP Cracker have updated their Cydia tweak called iAP Cracker for iOS 13.5. iAPCracker is a Cydia tweak that allows user to get free in-app purchases by providing fake receipts. I don’t know how some users claim that iap free works! The default repositories in Cydia are regularly updated but are never 100% running, contactable or working. Can you tell me how did you did it because it isn’t working for me:/. Many users use iAP Cracker, iAPLocalStore, iAPCrazy and so on which are completely against of Apple rules. Mobile Strike is a server-based game. All of them worked for me. First jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. My favorite tweak is iap-free, Thanks a lot for the info, but i know all this gk. You can easily find app sync core plugin on cydia app store. No. thanks to man who developed this great app. Should I put it in anyway? I can only find iAPFree iOS 13.5. He asked me to do this. Thanks, it works I used app sync and iapfree iOS 13.5 the combination worked!!! I would be thankful to the users who update the list of apps and games. Please. You need to jailbreak your iPhone to get it working and install Cydia but once configured, offers access to lots of apps at no cost. I used this and now I’m paying 60 dollars worth of in app purchase. You need to jailbreak your iPhone to get it working and install Cydia but once configured, offers access to lots of apps at no cost. theres NO working iap for ios 13.5 period. I have yet to find any specific iOS 13.5 file. Now I don’t know what to do next. As far as in app purchase does it work for mobile strike !? The jailbreak is useless to me in a sense cause I can’t get what I need but same files work for my old iPod. Scroll down and verify that it has AppSync plugin. When you successfully added repo source, search iAPFree in that repo source and install it. iAPFree works but for some type of in-app purchases only. Jailbreaking offers a lot of freedom but also leaves you vulnerable, so use your judgment. IAP Cracker requires Cydia to work which comes with most jailbreak apps. They only give you the item(s) once they receive the payment(s), which they don’t. hello doesn’t work with 13.5. the app start and black screen and crash hu hu.
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