You can use vjs-setup instead of the data-setup attribute video.js uses if you would prefer to define all of the properties on the scope vs an inline JSON string. The vjs-video directive handles all of the complexity involved with using video.js within an AngularJS Single Page App (SPA) and includes the following features: The vjs-video directive avaible via both npm and bower. API docs are automatically generated from the codebase and give specific details about functions, properties, and events. Tracks are used for displaying text information over a video, selecting different audio tracks for a video, or selecting different video tracks. Non-plain object values will be copied directly from the right-most The videojs() function returns a Player instance. The following example will set the loop option for the video.js instance using the vjs-setup attribute: The vjs-media option expects a reference to an object that contains a sources, tracks, and/or poster element. Our friends at Fastly are nice enough to provide hosting for all the necessary files for Video.js on their content delivery network. Video.js version 7 (and newer) CDN builds do not send any data to Google Analytics. These releases do not include Google Analytics tracking at all. Basically anything that has a unique API to audio or video. A string (the type) or an event object with a type attribute, Returns the opposite of defaultPrevented if default was The following example wraps a video.js instance within a responsive container with a ratio of 4:3: When using vjs-video-container be sure to attach all the directive attributes (such as vjs-setup or vjs-media) to the vjs-video-container element rather than on the enclosed video or audio tag. included for backward-compatibility with 4.x. NOTE: the vjs-ratio attribute support is limited to usage with the vjs-video-container item when using video.js < 5.0. Registers a Tech into a shared list for videojs. function supplied via setFormatTime. For Otherwise, returns undefined. Fluid Mode. or a string matching the id of such an element. that returns a middleware object. A function to be called when the Player and Tech are ready. The name of the plugin to be de-registered. You can change the look of the player across playback technologies just by editing a CSS file. These are the building blocks of the player UI. Notice: this project will be deprecated and is succeeded by videojs-http-streaming (VHS).VHS supports HLS and DASH and is built into Video.js 7, see the Video.js 7 blog post for details. vjs-video. A great place to start is the Video.js Skin Designer, but at the end of the day we suggest using the cascading aspect of CSS to simply override the parts of the design you want to customize.. Plugins. The vjs-video directive accepts the same directive attributes but shouldn't be used if a video or audio tag is wrapped inside of a vjs-video-container. Optionally add a hook (or hooks) to the lifecycle that your are getting. If provided, should be an array of plugin names. The themes in the home page come from the Videojs Themes library. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. they're used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task. Don't include to remove listeners for an event It can also be used as a getter for a pre-existing Player instance. For more information, see our Privacy Statement. Make your player yours with the internet's most popular open source video player framework When the page loads, Video.js will find this element and automatically setup a player in its place.
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