pat martino sunny 7

In this lick, you’ll work on a mixture of arpeggios and scale notes as you outline the changes over the tune Sunny. He is a computer buff and likes to dabble with some funny apps, cartoons or funny limericks to get a laugh – he is a prankster as well! Pat Martino is one of the greatest players to ever pick up the guitar. The login page will open in a new tab. To my surprise, a good many people were not aware of his condition and his fundraiser with GoFundMe! He told me some things I felt the jazz guitar world should know. Pat Martino Licks – Melodic Line 7 Martino demonstrates a nearly one octave skip in the first measure between beats 3 and 4 of melodic line 7 (Figure 22). As a practical matter, instead of melodic minor, it may be best to think of the the leading tone encapsulation figure against a minor seventh (A-B-G#-A against Am7) chords as a dominant passing chord pickup phrase (E7-Am), especially since the G# is not heard from again in the lick. Though it is simple on paper, getting this lick even and repeating is for longer periods can be tough. Publisher His talents outshines his peers for being extraordinarily versatile. This line moves from the 5th to 3rd position and utilizes 2 slurs and a slide. Hector came to our attention via one of our JGT contributors – thanks John Stowell! The song also found its way into jazz repertoire, played by jazz greats such as Frank Sinatra (with Duke Ellington), Wes Montgomery, Ella Fitzgerald, Stanley Jordan, Jimmy Smith and Oscar Peterson (with Joe Pass and Ray Brown). You’ll also see the G melodic minor scale used to outline the Gm7 chord, with the F# note highlighting that scale choice. The first lick is a V – I minor key phrase that uses the C harmonic minor scale to outline the b9 and b13 intervals over the G7 chord in the progression. Bob Bakert, JGT Editor: I got to know Pat Martino’s longtime manager, producer Joe Donofrio while working on the cover story we did on Pat back in August. The above video is one of his last concerts in Italy. You can see two and three-note shapes being used in this line to create energy throughout the phrase. Sunny: 10:25: Credits Bass ... 1-5, 6, 7, 8), Ron Thomas (2) (tracks: 9-11) Guitar – Pat Martino; Percussion – Eddie Green (3) (tracks: 5) Barcode and Other Identifiers Barcode: 6 04123 20502 3; Recommendations Reviews Add Review [r7137696] Release. Bob Bakert, JGT Editor: I got to know Pat Martino’s longtime manager, producer Joe Donofrio while working on the cover story we did on Pat …

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