Bugfix: Fix the wrong URL to project banner setting. (r-labs: Feature: Add related link field for more information to Global Banner. I hope it would be useful for someone, especially site administrator. Thank you so much, Ivan Cenov, Daniel Felix. Compatible with Redmine 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x. Learn more. (28.4 KB) //-->. (GutHub: #131 by iWangJiaxiang), Feature: Enabled to switch who can see the global banner. Russian, German, Brazilian Portugues. (6.4 KB) (Github: #45), Change global banner style for responsive mode. changed, some migration task will be failed. Compatible with Redmine 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x, 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x. I'll try to be able to select the place where to show banner, in a future release... privatedef evaluate_if_option(if_option, context)+ if (context[:controller].class.name != 'AccountController' and + context[:controller].action_name != 'login')+ return false+ endcase if_optionwhen Symbolsend(if_option, context). (And administrator can change and customize above two types.). Restart any running Redmine application servers. Bug fix of timer function and add more link feature. Add steps to build and deploy to Heroku Container registry as release container service. Great thanks, Haru Iida-san. (6.22 KB) Stop to override base.rhtml and use javascript. (50.4 KB) Sorry this is bug fix release... Can you add option to enable/disable showing of a global banner on login page? This is just workaround to show banner ONLY at the login page. You can edit banner message and select style for message. Add step to build and push image to AWS ECR. Compatible with Redmine 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 2.0.x. Follow Redmine's preview option to the wiki toolbar. (Administrator only.). Defect: Project banner should be off when module turned disabled. Quick links to turn off / edit banner message. Thank you so much, Александр Ананьев. Authenticated users can turn off global banner in their session. (Github: #68). Please try if you could. Fix: Prevent deprecation warning. Compatible with Redmine 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x. Refactor: Rename file to prevent conflict (Github #63 / r-labs: 54). google_ad_width = 468; This is a bugfix release against 0.3.1. Indeed, it's an amazing light extension for redmine and certainly it can become much better if there would be an option to keep at least 3 messages (keeping a frequently used messages) and activate one of them to show on demand . Thanks for your feedback.This feature would be nice. Authenticated user can tuen off banner in their sessions (with using cookie). If you are interested in this, please see: https://github.com/akiko-pusu/redmine_banner/wiki/How-to-use-this-plugin-previous-version-(1.xx,-1.0.x...), Feedback, translation highly appreciate!https://github.com/akiko-pusu/redmine_banner/releases/tag/0.3.4. But Redmine 2.5.1 not work me too. Learn more. Please, sign in or register in order to rate this plugin. Change column type of banner_description from string to text.Thank you so much Namezero. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. Plugins Directory » All plugins » 4.1.x (161) Banner Plugin to show site-wide message from site administrator, such as maintenacne informations or notifications. I'm using for template wiki code. 2. Any suggestions and translations are appreciated. (GitHub: #134) 1.1. French translation was contributed by Laurent HADJADJ. (All the page, overview inly, overview and issues, new issue only), project_banner.png Bugfix: Global banner off does not work correctly. (Alpha / Related: #86 #113), Not only Redmine admin but also user who assigned group named. Akiko Takano, 2020-02-12 00:38, banner-admin-group.png (Degrade fro… Change not to use SettingsController's patch to the update global banner. (43 KB) Redmine Banner Plugin. Sorry now we can't chose the page to show or hide banner. RAILS_ENV=production. Compatible with Redmine 1.2.x, 1.3.x, 1.4.x. Since it's being modified and feedback highly appreciated. Plugin to show site-wide message from site administrator, such as maintenacne informations or notifications.And selected style is applied to the message. Update some translation files. Fix: Prevent conflict with CKEditor. 1. Akiko Takano, 2012-02-03 01:11, by joao paulo lima saraiva over 4 years ago, Muito bom esse plugin, deveria ser algo padrão no redmine. For Redmine 1.3 and 1.4, please use this code: Banner plugin is now version 0.0.9, some display options added. Akiko Takano, 2012-01-27 02:37, info-type.png Support Redmine 3.3 and fix global banner when responsive view. I updated Banner Plugin to version 0.0.4. banner-sample.png ). But if admin update global banner message, the new message will be shown. (And just after logged in)2. Compatible with Redmine 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x. (#44), Fixed bug: Global banner timer does not work. (r-labs: Authenticated users can turn off global banner in their session.
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