1.19.4, uBlock Origin https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases, 版本:1.28.4 用户评分:4.71(5分满分) 此版本下载量:10000000. 上一个 下一个 . 2020年3月14日. Free & Premium. 4.7 顆星,滿分 5 顆星. 1.13.8, uBlock Origin Yet, even after adding Fanboy's two extra lists, hpHosts’s Ad and tracking servers, uBlock Origin still has a lower memory footprint than other very popular blockers out there. Fast and lean. https://github.com/nikrolls/uBlock-Edge/graphs/contributors Screenshots. - And many others uBlock Origin v1.25.0 new feature cause DNS leaks; Ability to remove DOM element instead of hiding? – 等等, 当然,启用越多的过滤规则就会产生越高的内存占用。 然而,即使再添加 Fanboy 额外的两个规则列表,如 hpHosts’s Ad 和 tracking servers,uBlock₀ 的内存占用依然比其他常见的过滤工具要低的多。, 另外请注意,选择一些额外的列表可能会导致网页破损可能性增高 —— 尤其是那些通常被用作 hosts 文件的列表。, 没有这些过滤规则列表,这个扩展就没有了意义。 所以如果你真的想做点贡献,想想那些维护过滤规则的人们,是他们让所有人能够免费使用这一切变得可能。, 贡献者 @ Github: 小心舊版本!這些版本只是提供來測試與參考用。 您應該隨時用最新版的附加元件。 最新版本 版本 1.30.6. 1.16.16, uBlock Origin – Spam404 https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock#ublock-origin It is easy on memory and CPU footprint, and yet can load and enforce thousands more filters than other popular blockers. uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. *** Free. More lists are available for you to select if you wish: Find anyone's email – Contact Out_v2.6.4. - Dan Pollock’s hosts file 4,798,270 Users 12,801 Reviews. uBlock Origin 1.30.4 : uBlock Origin is an efficient blocker add-on for Google Chrome. 1.20.2, uBlock Origin this app was already installed or added to laptop before i bought it problem is it likes to block almost everything that is connected to net as a result there are certain things i can't do in games on even on websites the app prevents most my games from running unlist i whitlist it sounds easy so i whitelisted all the apps that i was having issues with. 原始碼依照 GNU General Public License,版本 3.0 條款釋出, 除另有註明外,本站內容皆採用創用 CC 姓名標示—相同方式分享條款 3.0 或更新版本授權大眾使用。, 適用於 firefox 55.0 與更新版本, android 55.0 與更新版本, Prevent set-constant from trapping non-configurable properties, Prevent set-constant properties from being overtaken, Fix picker generating overly long candidate cosmetic filters, Improper support of IPv6 addresses in static filter, Cosmetic filters interfere with element picker visuals, Picker gets deformed when a cosmetic filter is added, Add Support for AdGuard special case pre-processor directives, Sort dynamic filter list by destination / host components, Better parsing of hosts file system addresses, Can't control specificity in element picker with Firefox for Android, Combining procedural selector :has() and :style(), Add visual hint for last selected entry in element picker, Prevent malicious pages from tampering with element picker, Prevent spurious instantiation of procedural filterer, https://github.com/AdguardTeam/Scriptlets/issues/82, Fix ability to overwrite overquota'ed cloud storage, Add support for blocklist of filter lists, Add concept of "really bad list" to badlists infrastructure, Add support for cloud storage compression, Add widget to convey the amount of sync storage in use, Fix cloud storage errors not reported in user interface, Open tabs can be closed when opening a webpage from, Use ISO8061 dates in user filter comments, Support new Chromium based Edge in pre-parsing directives, Do not triggers strict blocking for wildcard-only patterns, Fix properly reporting invalid filter options, Add syntax highlighting/auto-completion for preparsing directives, Add CoreMirror's code-folding ability to list editor/viewer, New filter parser creates unexpected network filter from malformed cosmetic filter, Avoid loading "!#include" filepaths that are wrapped into "!#if" tags that exclude the browser's environment, Use "Trusted sites" instead of "Whitelist", Element picker suggests unhelpful network rule, Logger shows names of scriptlet as different ones if short-hand is used, Adding csp to logger's filter expression picker, Can't use set-constant.js multiple times for same parent property, Remove experimental click-to-load disqus scriptlets, Improve annotations for search operations in CodeMirror editor, Consolidate filter list reverse lookup code into a single file, Instantiate procedural filterer instance on demand only, Mind discarded status of tabs when internally handling them, Do not let grow subframe dictionary grow unbound, Consider an empty pattern with anchors to be dubious, Add support to compare delay against literal Number.NaN in nossif/nostif, Add cdn.jsdelivr.net mirror for urlhaus blocklist, Remove repo.or.cz from list of CDNs for urlhaus blocklist, Fix spurious rejection of some AdGuard redirect filters, Fix the reporting of invalid static extended filters in the logger, Cookie-remover.js does not remove a cookie.
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