how has antonio insulted shylock

What wrongs has Antonio committed against Shylock? Welcome to the personal blogs of both Shylock and Antonio of The Merchant of Venice!. From that quotation we can understand that there is a conflict between Antonio and Shylock; because, Antonio has spit upon Shylock’s face and insulted him. “(I. i:53-57) This allows the audience to understand Shylock’s abhorrence of Antonio, and to convince them that Shylock was simply an innocent victim of this torment. Antonio has always criticized him for taking interest on the money lent. This is revealed when Shylock asks Antonio why he should lend money to someone who has, “…rated me About my moneys and my usuances…” (1. Antonio has always criticized him for taking interest on the money lent. Now that he has been insulted, He is stating that Antonio insulted him before he did anything wrong. Shylock has certainly suffered much at the hands of Antonio; but he is undoubtedly a man without any human feeling. If Antonio is unable to repay the loan at the specified date, Shylock will be free to take a pound of Antonio's flesh from wherever he pleases. The devil is the prince of darkness; he is the personification of evil. It is as though the emotion and resentment is bursting and overflowing over the end of the verse line. Antonio has crossed him repeatedly in the past and takes the brunt of this animosity. This quiz is incomplete! I am a Jew. Both Antonio and Shylock have had business dealings in the past. And ‘If you prick us, do we not bleed?’ is one of Shylock’s most important speeches in the play, found in Act 3 Scene 1. Shylock notes that Antonio has insulted him and spat upon him in the Rialto, and fortune has brought about this current situation. He has been insulted by Antonio and is stunned that he would turn to him for money, even if it is only on behalf of a friend. In the trial scene, Antonio endures unbearable agony of mind patiently. Antonio has insulted Shylock in the past. Shylock claims that Antonio has spit on him, called him a dog, and insulted him for lending money for profit. Antonio is in love with Shylock’s daughter, Jessica. . The purpose of their meeting was that Bassanio wanted to take a loan of three thousand ducats from Shylock for which Antonio would stand surety. And this is what Antonio has named Shylock, for what reason? Bassanio has just spoken to Shylock about the loan Antonio had asked him … (iii) Later in the scene Shylock reminds Antonio of his behaviour. 4. • 3. Why does the prince of Morocco fear that Portia will dislike him? Carpaccio's Miracle of the Relic of the True Cross on the Rialto Bridge. The Merchant of Venice is a play about usurer by the name of Shylock, who seeks revenge by cutting a pound of flesh off of a merchant called Antonio, who insulted him at the Rialto. Antonio has scorned him calling him a usurer, caused losses equal to half a million ducats by interfering in his deals and above all insulted his race. Shylock's 'trial' at the end of the play is a mockery of justice, with Portia acting as a judge when she has no real right to do so. Shylock is spat upon by Antonio, reviled even by his servants, abandoned by his daughter, Jessica, and ultimately undone by Portia” (“Shakespeare’s England” 2). Shylock explains to the audience that he hates Antonio because he "lends out money gratis" (1.3.44), or free of interest, thereby bringing down interest rates for professional moneylenders such as himself (who are almost all Jews). [1.3] Shylock directly confronts Antonio regarding the way Antonio has treated Shylock in the past. His love for Bassanio seems to be a tad bit more than what the bro code would stipulate. He had done nothing unkind to Antonio to deserve this treatment, and the only explanation Antonio has for acting this way is his dislike for Shylock’s religion. Along with this, the speech provides a further understanding to the deep rooted history of Shylocks mistreatment by Antonio and other Christians. Shylock is a miserly Jewish moneylender whom Antonio has often insulted. He adds that he is has borne it like any other Jew has according to him, Jews are good at putting up with maltreatment. After all, Shylock has suffered abuse at Antonio’s hands recently, and says: ‘Fair sir, you spat on me on Wednesday last, <

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