why does bassanio speak about his debts

Ay, but I fear you speak upon the rack, Where men enforced do speak anything. Bassanio tells Antonio that he wants to find an honorable way to pay his financial debt back to Antonio. He maintains a high standard of living which does not match his modest income. The opening passages of a play must put the reader in possession of the essentials on which the plot is based: the place, the circumstances, and the relation of the persons who are to figure in the story. This tells us that Bassanio is able to confide in Antonio, showing a stable friendship. Merchant of venice movie script Enter ANTONIO, SALARINO, and SALANIO ANTONIO In sooth, I do not know why I am so sad: It will satiate me; You say it's ducking you; But as I caught it, found it, or came to him, What things 'it's made of, from what it is born, I must learn; And such sadness of me that I have many ceremonies to know myself. This play is supposed to be a comedy, and the only time I even smiled during the first act was when Portia was talking to Nerissa. Antonio: Good Bassanio, tell me about your plans. a) Antonio wants to help his friend by all means; why does Bassanio ask for help? He uses this moment to recognize his friendship with Antonio, declaring that he not only owes him money, but also love. Why does Antonio lend money to Bassanio? In this short scene, the action of the bond plot quickens toward its climax at the beginning of Act IV. His play, “The Merchant of Venice” touches upon various topics. Antonio, the merchant of Venice, agrees to lend his friend Bassanio three thousand ducats so that Bassanio can woo Portia of Belmont. Antonio responds that he has no immediately available assets, but . What is Bassanio's plan for getting money to pay off his debts? "Means" in this context refers to money. Bassanio needs money to pay his debts, and plans to get it by marrying the rich heiress Portia. By marrying the wealthy Portia, he hopes to pay off those debts. As Bassanio had no close relations to speak of, the tidy fortune that his father had left him was quickly spent, as one left to an unsupervised young man in Venice was bound to be. BASSANIO : In my school-days, when I had lost one shaft, I shot his fellow of the self-same flight Question 1) “You know me well, and herein spend but time …To wind about my love with circumstance. “To you, Antonio, I owe the most, in money and in love; and from your love I have a warranty to unburden all my plots and purposes how to get clear of all the debts I owe.” Act 1, Scene 2 Portia & Nerissa on the Lot System. Why does he desire Portia (127-130, 161-176)? Bassanio reveals that he has come up with a plan to pay off his obligations by marrying Portia, a wealthy heiress in Belmont. ANTONIO: I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it; And if it stand, as you yourself still do, Within the eye of honour, be assured, My purse, my person, my extremest means, Lie all unlock'd to your occasions. Why does Portia not want Bassanio to rush into making a choice? BASSANIO None but that ugly treason of mistrust, Which makes me fear the enjoying of my love: There may as well be amity and life ‘Tween snow and fire, as treason and my love. I cannot pay the Jew back. can borrow money and use Antonio for his credit. He owes a lot of money to Antonio, still he seeks another loan from Antonio to visit Belmont and prove himself a worthy suitor to Portia. "( iv) \tVhatexperience of his school days does Bassanio relate to justify his plan for repaying the loan?Bassanio says that, when he was a boy at school and he lost one of his arrows while shooting, he would shoot another arrow in the same direction. He genuinely cares for him. He wastes his money in a careless manner. And out of doubt you do me now […] Why is Antonio not seen at the Rialto? Why, or why not? Now Portia, disguised as a lawyer, tries to get Bassanio to give her the ring as payment for helping Antonio. He has done so with the… 4. Bassanio opens the lead casket. This idea was based on his repetitive and seemingly manipulative attempts to ask Antonio for money. he! Based on this choice, the actors explored different ways conmen can manipulate their victims. Bassanio and Gratiano respond that to save Antonio’s life, they would willingly sacrifice their own lives and the lives of their wives. Bassanio, how ever, may be conscious of the callousness of his request, for as he describes What directive does she give him (3.2.170-74). ... As father and son speak to Bassanio, Bassanio becomes exasperated. To make money he needs to borrow money—from his friend Antonio, who borrows it from Shylock, who borrows it, according to the patter of his trade, from Tubal. How to get clear of all the debts I owe. He also affirms that he knows that Antonio cares for him and will help him decide on the best way to pay off his debts. I tell thee what, Antonio— 87 I love thee, and it is my love that speaks— 88 There are a sort of men whose visages 89 Do cream and mantle like a … wants to borrow more money from Antonio, so he can win the hand of Portia, a rich heiress he loves. English Literature 2019 Solved Paper Previous Year Question ICSE with Sample Paper for 2020 and Other Previous Year Solved Question for practice so that student of Class 10th ICSE can achieve their goals in next exam of council.Sample paper of English Literature for 2020 exam also given .Hence by better practice and Solved Question Paper of Previous Year including 2019 is very helpful for … Explain the following lines from Shakespearean Tragedy “Hamlet” and Shakespearean comedy “The Merchant of Venice”. BASSANIO. Bassanio decides to leave for Venice. 83 Why should a man, whose blood is warm within, 84 Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster? Bassanio turns to Portia, insisting that he must also have her consent, if they are to marry. Gobbo : that is the very defect of the matter. What ‘prize’ had Bassanio just won? Bassanio informs Antonio that he has been prodigal with his money and that he currently has accumulated substantial debts. When Antonio asks Bassanio about the woman he went to see—meaning Portia—Bassanio does not immediately speak of her. Bassanio exploits Antonio’s love/ trust; Mention one way in which this relationship was put to the test later in the play. But Bassanio also frames his courtship as a plan for “How to get clear of all the debts I owe.” (130-4). BASSANIO. Bassanio. what does antonio tell bassanio to do about the money for now? William Shakespeare’s play, The Merchant of Venice, brings together the merchant of the title, Antonio, with the Jewish moneylender, Shylock.These two characters resemble one another in many ways, especially in their isolation. Answer 5: Bassanio wanted a sum of three thousand Ducats from Antonio to furnish himself to go to Belmont to win fair Portia. He couldn't wait until Antonio woke up so that he could speak to his beloved and generous friend. What barriers stand in the way of his desire? What stands in his way? PORTIA. Bassanio assures Shylock that Antonio will guarantee the loan, but Shylock is doubtful because Antonio’s wealth is currently invested in business ventures that may fail. Portia doesn't want the money. his money is tied up in his fortune out at sea. Bassanio tries again—he actually wants to reward the lawyer for saving his best friend. Thérèse February 3, 2010 at 2:28 am. Bassanio wants Antonio to emulate him by being happy even in difficult times. PORTIA. Enter a man from Antonio. Bassanio and Antonio are very close once more when we reach the end of the play. A street. response? When he does speak of Portia, he opens by saying, "In Belmont is a lady richly left,/And she is fair; and fairer than that word,/ Of wondrous virtues." Italian, French, and Latin: Where does Portia jokingly say Falconbridge got his jacket, tights, and hat respectively? | 140| ANTONIOI pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it. Bassanio compares Portia to the golden fleece and himself in his quest for Portia, to Jason on his voyage to fetch the golden fleece. Well then, confess and live. b) What does Bassanio owe Antonio? I think he got his jacket in Italy, his tights in France, his hat in Germany, and his behavior everywhere. daughters are ‘well settled in life’? BASSANIO Promise me life, and I’ll confess the truth. ACTIVITY: Bassanio, the con-man This activity explores Bassanio and Antonio’s relationship, looking at it through the lens of Bassanio being a con-man. Although classified as a comedy in the First Folio edition, the play is best known for the character of Shylock. What does Bassanio say about Portia ? Earlier, Bassanio confesses to Antonio that he has spent his wealth by having a more lordly way of living than his moderate income allowed him. Bassanio begins by saying that he has been extravagant and is in debt. What interest does Antonio have in lending Bassanio means to court Portia? Bassanio: [Rather embarrassed] When I was a young boy, I often used to shoot one of my toy arrows25 too far, and lose it. These faults of his are acceptable to Bassanio and his friends as qualities of his nature. None but that ugly treason of mistrust, Which makes me fear th' enjoying of my love: There may as well be amity and life 'Tween snow and fire as treason and my love. Write about them. Bassanio exploits Antonio’s love/ trust; Mention one way in which this relationship was put to the test later in the play. He also affirms that he knows that Antonio cares for him and will help him decide on the best way to pay off his debts. Bassanio's love for Antonio is profound. The Duke tells Bassanio and Antonio that they owe a great debt of gratitude to the young judge, then exits with his entourage, leaving Portia and Nerissa alone with Antonio, Gratiano, and Bassanio. He uses this moment to recognize his friendship with Antonio, declaring that he not only owes him money, but also love. What is Antonio’s response? What did Bassanio need from Antonio? His sensible thoughts are like two grains of wheat That someone hid in a silo full of chaff: You’re bound to seek all day before you find them, And when you have them, they’re not worth the search. And if it stand, as you yourself still do,Within the eye of honor, be assuredMy purse, my person, my extremest meansLie all unlocked to your occasions. BASSANIO Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing, More than any man in all of Venice. 4. [3] (ii) Explain why Bassanio said he felt ‘Giddy in spirit, still gazing, in a doubt’. (ii) Antonio assures Bassanio of his wholehearted help in his mission. Whether those peals of praise be his or no; (i) Where did Bassanio find the ‘gentle scroll’? Bassanio has accumulated debts mainly from Antonio. Antonio agrees, but as his wealth relies on his ships, which are at sea, and therefore needs to borrow the money. Finding Emo. He says that his money, his body, his utmost resources will all be placed at his disposal so that Bassanio is able to pursue his aim. Why does he say that his health is ‘OK’? What token does Portia give to Bassanio after he successfully chooses the casket? tells bassanio to go forth into venice to get the money by using his name, Antonio. Bassanio, his friend and kinsman, asks him for money to go to Belmont, where Bassanio hopes to marry the heiress Portia. So Bassanio risks a life of happiness in this venture, which he will win only if knows that winning depends upon his willingness to throw cautious reckoning to the winds. The Merchant of Venice Act 3 Scene 2 Summary Word Meanings. How did Bassanio present his sorry state to Antonio? Although Bassanio does say, “to you Antonio/ I owe the mostin money and in love” (1.1.130-131). He was dressed so oddly too! what does antonio tell bassanio to do about the money for now? Prior to this extract, Antonio asks Bassanio to tell him about his plans. Bassanio admits that although he already owes Antonio a lot of money from his earlier, more extravagant days, he has fallen in love with Portia, a … He wastes his money in a careless manner. ANTONI O Bassanio, you promised you would tell, When Bassanio arrives with Lorenzo and Gratiano, he asks his close friend Antonio to lend him some more money. After he makes his choice, Bassanio receives a letter from Antonio that greatly troubles him–the contents “steal the colour from Bassanio’s cheek,” according to Portia. Would you lend money to him? That side of the story is clear. He doesn’t speak Latin, French, or Italian, and you know how little English I speak. Bassanio describes himself as a "prodigal" in 1.1.129. ANTONIO I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it; And if it stand, as you yourself still do, Within the eye of honour, be assured, My purse, my person, my extremest means, Lie all unlock'd to your occasions. We discover that there is friendship, loyalty, and trust between Antonio and Bassanio as they converse with one another: My purse, my person, my extremest means, Why Does Shylock Make The Bond With Antonio. Bassanio concedes that he does not disown his debts, but wants to redeem them and restore his standing in society. why, he hath a horse better than the Neapolitan’s, a better bad habit of frowning than the Count Palatine; he is every man in no man; if a throstle sing, he falls straight a capering: he will fence with his own shadow: if I should marry him, I should marry twenty husbands. How to get clear of all the debts I owe. 6. He refers to Other suitors as Jasons. his money is tied up in his fortune out at sea. Bassanio admits that he is most indebted to Antonio for his past support and that Antonio has helped him with both money and emotional matters. Prior to this extract Antonio asks Bassanio to tell him about his plans. 5 marks b) Do you agree that Bassanio is really unworthy of Antonio’s friendship? Home; Uncategorized; merchant of venice act 1 questions and answers pdf In the end, however, Shylock decides that Antonio’s guarantee of the loan will be sufficient assurance, and asks to speak with him. Bassanio and Antonio have a love that is so intimate that it seems to the modern reader to be romantic in that Bassanio feels compelled to explain his reasoning for romantically involving himself with someone else, and it is telling that a simple attraction to a woman does not suffice in explaining his … Later, we see, that Portia comes to rightly love Bassanio and thus she wishes that he choses the right casket— which he does. State the main point of the speech and Bassanio's action at the conclusion of the speech. Ay, but I fear you speak upon the rack, Where men enforced do speak anything. [3x1=3] Question 3. Watch this video over Mid-Winter Recess. While Bassanio ponders over the three caskets, he makes a speech. When Shylock demands his pound of flesh and Antonio is willing to sacrifice his life for Bassanio. Actually for whom it was brought? Answer 6: There were three points in Antonio’s reply. Launcelot : Serve you, sir. [3] (ii) Explain why Bassanio said he felt ‘Giddy in spirit, still gazing, in a doubt’. Bassanio was a gentleman of Venice. Therefore, he has incurred heavy debts because of his youth and extravagance. badly behaved. What is Antonio's response? The character Portia says this line on the insistence of Shylock, the Jew, for the payment of Antonio’s flesh, which is a central point of the play. Having failed to repay to loan in terms of money to Shylock, Antonio has now to let Shylock cut off a pound of his flesh; and he would like Bassanio to be present to witness the Jew’s exaction of the penalty. As a wise and generous woman, Portia recognizes that Bassanio could never live at peace knowing that his friend died because of his debts. It is the means by which Antonio signifies something that cannot be assigned a calculated value: his … Thus, the chief care of Bassanio is not the lady of Belmont but his debts and particularly the debts he owes Antonio. Question 5: What does Bassanio want from Antonio and Why? Even though Bassanio confesses that he has lost the money that Antonio has lent him in the past, Antonio is still committed to helping his … b When he is invited by Antonio to speak about the ‘lady’ he’s in love with, Bassanio answers by talking extensively about his debts. Bassanio, a young Venetian, is a spendthrift, and asks his friend Antonio to lend him money in order for him to pay off his debts. Bassanio tells his friend Antonio that he wants to court Portia, but has no money. Scene 1 of the Merchant of Venice is important because it is the expository scene. We should pay attention to this loaded word and the way it alludes to the parable of the prodigal son in the gospels (Luke 15:11-31). This proves that Bassanio is a spendthrift. SERVANT. Answer: Now that Antonio is a bankrupt, with many debts and loans yet to be cleared, he does not come to Rialto, the stock exchange. a comic reflection of this motif. New York: American Book Co. Revenge. Antonio wants Bassanio to come back from Belmont in order to see him paying his debt to Shylock in the form of a pound of his flesh. The first one has been done for you to set an example. Why? A spendthrift by his own admission, Bassanio has accumulated many debts in Venice. How does Bassanio’s character develop in Act I and Act II? he does not have the money right now but he will when his ships come in. He explained to Bassanio that Antonio gives Bassanio permission to borrow the money on Antonio’s credit. Lie all unlock’d to your occasions. Past all expressing. This remark of Shylock shows that of late Antonio had stopped visiting Rialto where … We see just how much influence Antonio has over his close friend when, after Antonio has been saved, Portia (as ‘Balthasar’) asks for Bassanio’s ring. Inside, he finds a painting of Portia and a poem praising the wisdom of his choice. Portia offers to pay off Antonio's debt twenty times over; no harm should come to … He is under heavy debts but he is not willing to give up his lordly style of living, though he is anxious to get rid of all debts. Instead it becomes a gamble on whether the young lady likes Bassanio enough to assist his choice. Earlier, Bassanio confesses to Antonio that he has spent his wealth by having a more lordly way of living than his moderate income allowed him. Confides all his plans in him – clear all his debts with Antonio’s help. Merchant of Venice Questions and Answers. Instead, he outlines his debts. (for example, becase you are only able to watch the movie using the school's wifi, which blocks youtube). When the Prince of Morocco meets Portia for the first time, he tells her that he is often considered very handsome on account of his … He is keeping up the lifestyle “Showing a more swelling port/ than my faint means would grant continence” His behaviour is “prodigal” because he has borrowed money to establish a social and economic status. (v) Bassanio's description of Portia in the opening scene reveals that she is a paragon among women. Confides all his plans in him – clear all his debts with Antonio’s help. Left alone, Bassanio explains to Antonio that to repair his squandered fortunes, he intends to win the hand of Portia, a wealthy heiress. What makes this scene comic? Bassanio. Hence, Bassanio advices him to control his wild behaviour and tone down his lively spirit by exercising moderation. Bassanio does speak enthusiastically of all Portia's qualities. It wearies me; you say it wearies you.” His friends then offer their suggestions as to why he might be sad. And because you care about me, I know you’ll let me tell you my plan to clear all my debts. 4 thoughts on “ Why In The World Would Antonio Lend Bassanio Money? If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? If your love do not persuade you to come, let not my letter." Why does Bassanio ask Gratiano to behave properly in Belmont? Bassanio's highest priority is Antonio, not himself or his wife. Bassanio is assured of Antonio’s love and care. How does he plan to overcome them? Morocco is the Prince of Morocco who is the first of the three suitors to Portia’s hand. Question 3. Antonio, a Venetian merchant, has invested all his wealth in trading expeditions. The funds have been spent on the maintenance of the "company of good pens", that is, on the heavy expenses of printing and publishing the endless stream of books being made available in English. What is Bassanio’s plan for getting money to pay off his debts? (iv) How old is the speaker? Bassanio tells Antonio about Portia As soon as the others leave, Antonio asks Bassanio about his secret pilgrimage to see a lady. Answer: We will watch parts of the video in class, but you are required to finish the video on your own. Question 6: There are three points in Antonio’s reply. ... Why does Portia not want Bassanio to rush into making a choice? Now that they’re alone, Antonio asks Bassanio about his secret girlfriend, and Bassanio tells him about his troubles pursuing her because he’s spent all his money. Bassanio is portrayed as a spendthrift character in the play; he is usually in debts because of his lavish lifestyle. But Bassanio also frames his courtship as a plan for “How to get clear of all the debts I owe.” (130-4). [3] (iii) Shortly after this exchange, Portia gave Bassanio a ring as a token of her affection. But his wild behaviour may be misunderstood at Belmont. What plan does Bassiano speak of here? This is an MP4 version of The Merchant of Venice for you to download, in case you are unable to watch the video on youtube for some reason. (Give TWO reasons) d) How does Bassanio describe Portia? [3] (iii) Shortly after this exchange, Portia gave Bassanio a ring as a token of her affection. Bassanio refuses when she asks for it, however when Antonio asks Bassanio to give it over, Bassanio does so. The identification of Bassanio as Francis Bacon also sheds light on the reason, not given explicitly within the play, for his outstanding debts. Why, then, does Antonio continue to lend him money willingly, even though Bassanio has yet to pay him back? Shakespeare\'s original The Merchant of Venice text is extremely long, so we\'ve split the text into one Scene per page. Antonio has, so to speak, maxed his credit cards but agrees to see if he can get a loan from the moneylender Shylock. What does she tell Bassanio to do before he leaves? Firstly we see Bassanio who needs to borrow a sum of money from Antonio his friend, and although Antonio is wealthy, he is not happy as he says to Bassanio that he does not know why he is ‘So sad’. While this has been read as a sign of Shylock's savagery, some critics see this as Shylock pointing out the hypocrisy of the Christians: any Christian who believed his body was a sacred gift from God would not make this bond. Where does Portia live? Origin of Pound of Flesh. Why does she want Bassanio to leave immediately? Portia is in a position to disencumber Bassanio's estate and pay off his debts immediately if he can manage to marry her. He realizes the heavy cost of his frivolity of the past, putting Antonio's life on the line, and does his best to try to save his friend. 'Tis not unknown to you, Antonio, How much I have disabled mine estate, By something showing a more swelling port Than my faint means would grant continuance: Nor do I now make moan to be abridged From such a noble rate; but my chief care Is to come fairly off from the great debts Wherein my time something too prodigal Hath left me gaged. His good friend Bassanio joins him. He will win Portia’s love only by love. [4x1=4] (b) What does Launcelot want from Bassanio? Bassanio and Antonio are in a street in Venice. Promise me life, and I'll confess the truth. Antonio is a rich Venetian merchant, Bassanio's BFF, Shylock's archenemy, and the guy who puts up a pound of flesh as collateral so Bassanio can borrow money in order to woo Portia in style. Jacket in … This GCSE English Literature play takes a look at character in The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. Bassanio lives well beyond his means. Antonio cannot put a finger on exactly why he is so sad; none of his friends’ suggestions quite hit the mark and their attempts to cheer him up are unsuccessful. There are a great many plausible answers but perhaps the most obvious one is merely that Antonio suffers from depression. SCENE 1. [3] (iii) Shortly after this exchange, Portia gave Bassanio a ring as a token of her affection. 2. ACT 1. Bassanio explains that he needs the money to woo a wealthy heiress, Portia, in Belmont. The Question and Answer section for Merchant of Venice is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. SALARINO. Notwithstanding, use your pleasure. Bassanio, being fashionable, is quite extravagant. I wish to pay back all my debts. He adds, that if Bassanio’s plan is as honourable as he is, he then promises him everything that he has- money, influence, personal help and utmost resources. (i) Ans:- Bassanio and Antonio are in a street in Venice. Regardless, enjoy yourself. Bassanio reiterates his desire to liquidate the loan he has taken from Antonio. Act Four, Scene Two: When Bassanio and Portia got married she gave him a ring. If they are as honourable24 as you always are, then believe me – you shall have my money, myself, or anything I can give to help you. The origin of this phrase is taken from William Shakespeare’s play, Merchant of Venice. naughty. Why did Antonio dislike this? (a) What does Bassanio answer to the Gobbos request? And since once the Jew takes the flesh from me I will die, all your debts to me are cleared, if only I can see you before I die. Bassanio informs Antonio that he has been prodigal with his money and that he currently has accumulated substantial debts. He is speaking to his friends, Solanio and Salarino, when he says in lines 1-2 “In sooth, I know not why I am so sad. At the opening of the play, Bassanio tells his friend Antonio (“the Merchant of Venice”), “To you…/I owe the most in money and in love,/ And from your love I have a warrenty/ To unburden all my plots and purposes/ How to get clear of all the debts I owe” (1.1.131-34). Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want Why, revenge! Portia really interested me as well. His two friends leave after Bassanio, Graziano and Lorenzo arrive. Why does he want to go to Belmont ? Bassanio’s pursuit of Portia is first announced as his scheme “to get clear of all the debts I owe”, because Portia is rich. 5. [4x1=4] (c) What was the gift that Gobbo gives to Bassanio? Antonio tells Bassanio not to grieve, to send his best wishes to Portia, and to speak well of Antonio after his death.

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