For multiple Processors, multiply the price shown by the number of CPUs. See the Intel® Graphics Technology page for more information. System or device display resolution is dependent on multiple system design factors; actual resolution may be lower on your device. Intel® InTru™ 3D Technology provides stereoscopic 3-D Blu-ray* playback in full 1080p resolution over HDMI* 1.4 and premium audio. The Core i7-6700K is Intel's latest "Skylake" flagship processor. A Thread, or thread of execution, is a software term for the basic ordered sequence of instructions that can be passed through or processed by a single CPU core. See for details. The 9700K features 12 MB of cache, a 95W TDP and Intel UHD 630 graphics. Intel Authorized Distributors sell Intel processors in clearly marked boxes from Intel. PCI Express Revision is the supported version of the PCI Express standard. Max Memory bandwidth is the maximum rate at which data can be read from or stored into a semiconductor memory by the processor (in GB/s). CPU Mark. Socket: LGA-1151. A PCI Express (PCIe) lane consists of two differential signaling pairs, one for receiving data, one for transmitting data, and is the basic unit of the PCIe bus. Max # of PCI Express Lanes is the total number of supported lanes. Your name and email address will not be added to any mailing list, and you will not receive email from Intel Corporation unless requested. Frequency is typically measured in gigahertz (GHz), or billion cycles per second. Your comments have been sent. Max Turbo Frequency refers to the maximum single-core processor frequency that can be achieved with Intel® Turbo Boost Technology. Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology is an advanced means of enabling high performance while meeting the power-conservation needs of mobile systems. “Announced” SKUs are not yet available. Highly threaded applications can get more work done in parallel, completing tasks sooner. password? C1 is the first idle state, C2 the second, and so on, where more power saving actions are taken for numerically higher C-states. They typically carry a three-year warranty. SC3120AKIT, SPEC Code: See your Intel representative for details. Conventional Intel SpeedStep® Technology switches both voltage and frequency in tandem between high and low levels in response to processor load. Max Resolution (HDMI) is the maximum resolution supported by the processor via the HDMI interface (24bits per pixel & 60Hz). It offers improved manageability by limiting downtime and maintaining productivity by isolating computing activities into separate partitions. The first graph shows the relative performance of the CPU compared to the 10 other common (single) CPUs in terms of PassMark CPU Mark. Please submit your comments, questions, or suggestions here. Case Temperature is the maximum temperature allowed at the processor Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS).
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