json parser vbscript 7

I found that in the case of parsing JSON string and creating dictionaries and collections, it did not make too much sense to use the cStringBuilder class. If you’re trying to use this code in excel, you’ll need another way to handle nulls. Dim Length As Integer Essentially loop through the keys and determine if it’s a Property or Object, and recurse as required. The settings are stored in two variables called m_decSep and m_groupSep and are set in the parse function. Return the location that corresponds to the parser's current state in What other benefits might there be to these types of technologies? Remember, everytime VB6 concatenates 2 strings, it creates a new string, so it doesn't really append the second string to the first. I like your way of the JSON read method. I must be missing something. A sample usage is shown You can make your own function to read a string from a file (there’s many examples online) and replace it with that call (mostly it’s for demo purposes: typically your JSON content would be coming from a web service call rather than a file). Dim s As String, i = FreeFile This is fixed by replacing the "." by a "," of the local Value variable in case the regional settings such that the decimal separator is a comma. When I broke into this industry so many years ago, I was appalled to learn that – depending on the report one looked at – the failure rates for IT-related projects was somewhere between 65% and 78%. parser. This not only includes external data (twitter, weather, marvel database), but often includes internal data to your company. Without coding or any hassle Developers can parse json data. In any case, after numerous hours and at least a dozen different parsers being tested, I found the one that seems to work across the board. Provides forward, read-only access to JSON data in a streaming way. The parser can generate the following events: Open SourceFile For Input As #i VBA-JSON. The VBA-JSON example has tons of code and also the tool from Colin has tons of code. Contribute to VBA-tools/VBA-JSON development by creating an account on GitHub. My focus lies mainly on software solutions to support collaborative engineering. Hello – not sure about the ambiguous type error: apparently you have an enum defined with that name already somewhere. s = Input(LOF(i), i) The following example demonstrates how to create a parser from a string that contains an empty JSON array: The data returned by this webservice can be in the order of tens of megabytes. when creating multiple parser instances. My focus was mainly on large JSON strings and I have not checked the performance on small JSON strings, perhaps there the performance is worse than it was before. This opens a big security hole. Your email address will not be published. Features include: The library design emphasizes high performance and low memory allocation over an extensive feature set. How Expert Software Solutions can Empower Your Business, How to Parse JSON with VBA (MS Access/Excel). next() to advance the parser to the next state after that contains an empty JSON array: The class JsonParserFactory also contains methods to create JSON parsing - OTHER Global usage 99.63% + 0% = 99.63%; Method of converting JavaScript objects to JSON strings and JSON back to objects using JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() IE. Not sure about the Nz() error either: that’s the error message, and what’s the value of the prop variable? Provides forward, read-only access to JSON data in a streaming way. Tim Hall has a great set of tools in his github repo, one in specific called VBA-JSON that tends to be a first hit when people have to go searching. When I create the JsonParser Module and paste your code and I create the second with your example code I get an error on the Public Enum being Ambiguous. The System.Text.Json namespace provides functionality for serializing to and deserializing from JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).. integral number. Having managed this with some straight forward improvements, I wanted to share this with the CodeProject community to show that VB6/VBA and JSON make a perfect match even for large strings, files, web responses. JSON serialization and deserialization (marshalling and unmarshalling) in .NET - overview. In the original, you can see that the cStringBuilder class is being used, found at vbaccelerator.com. locations below (marked in bold): The methods next() and hasNext() enable iteration over is the most efficient way for reading JSON data. An example of a JSON object representing a Person can be the following: Imagine you have a huge list of these, and knowing that VB6/VBA is not super fast at handling strings and doing string comparisons, one can imagine parsing 15 megabytes of persons may become slow... 10 seconds kind of slow! The issue seems to be in the parsing algorithm used: some structures of valid JSON raise errors using the above code (see some examples here – and maybe watch the issue to see if there’s a fix at some point?). “Sub or function not defined” at: Hi, I added a note at the bottom of the post for Excel users trying to use NZ(). Granted, it is a small improvement, but one that fits with the pattern I use to improve the performance of the complete module. This discipline is sometimes called Concurrent Design. I’ve been testing out the script and I’m getting and error in the GetKeys() function. The Select Case operates on m_str(index) and for each Case statement, there is a constant defined which is a Unicode value of the corresponding character. Returns true if the JSON number at the current parser state is a The major refactoring was done in line which has already been discussed earlier. Any ideas what might be causing the error? The last method that is described is the parseString method. is there a library for that. In this model the client code controls the thread and calls the method START_OBJECT with the first call to the method next() and the the JSON input source. An earlier version of the app is also available at https://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=295789, Hi Colin – thanks for the post. This method closes the underlying input source. I need to update some values, and resend to the server. Hi Jack, Do a Find in all modules for that name and see where else it comes up (maybe you accidentally pasted this code into two different modules?). Dan – I call JSON.parse() from the standard json.js from VBscript ASP all the time. The returned value is equal The entry method of the Parser is the following: The parse function takes a (JSON) string as input and it is important to note that this string is passed ByRef and not ByVal. I am an aerospace engineer with a passion for software engineering. So far so good, nothing to change, the original code takes care of this in the way I think it should for this specific case. Hi - I don't understand why nobody has run into this problem before. For Each key In KeysObject Passing a string ByVal would create a copy of the string, this is unwanted in this case since the strings may be very large. The refactored method does not make use of the cStringBuilder class. The JSON parser also supports the primitive data types of string, number, object, true, false and null. The issue seems to be in the parsing algorithm used: some structures of valid JSON raise errors using the above code (see some examples here – and maybe watch the issue to see if there’s a fix at some point?). It looks like it’s running into another object, see this screen shot of the spot in the json file where the error is happening, https://www.dropbox.com/s/fuz25skpwxyd0nt/redim-keysArray-error.jpg?dl=0, Your email address will not be published. Let me know if you need a hand locating some function to read from a file. Hello – FileSys module of my own that I use in most projects. to, Returns a JSON number as a long. Using the Collection/Dictionary objects made it very easy. KeysArray(Index) = key Dim KeysArray() As String Put it in a module and name the module FileSys and the demo code should compile (I tend to prefer two part naming as described here: Module Naming) – or just remove FileSys from the demo code after you paste this function in a standard module somewhere. Location Services: what this means for improved operations? Here is the original method: Again, it makes use of string comparisons which I have improved by using the m_str array, the m_length variable and the constants that are declared in the module. following code shows how to obtain the value "John" from the JSON above: Copyright © 1996-2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. That function basically says “take any string and execute it as if it were JavaScript”, which has some significant security implications. Furthermore, there’s a number of other “hand-made” parsers that seem to suffer the same faulty algorithm. Time for a thorough inspection of the code and to implement potential improvements. (credit to StackOverflow member Codo for the original source, as near as I can tell). Returns true if the JSON number at the current parser state is a parser events to process JSON data. How To Convert JSON File To XML format In UFT in VBScript way: So long, we were testing webservices using XM format. But now, How do i take those objects and serialize them to a JSON string? Take a quick look there please. One thing that is important to remember is that the m_str() array was created using the AscW() function. Dim KeysObject As Object Furthermore, there’s a number of other “hand-made” parsers that seem to suffer the same faulty algorithm. Worse is that these numbers are generally…. For my use case, these strings are small, especially the attribute names, the values can be larger, but never at the size that the cStringBuilder class would make a big difference. VALUE_NUMBER, VALUE_TRUE, VALUE_FALSE, For further details, see http://www.mendipdatasystems.co.uk/json-analyse-transform/4594138310.

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