OBS rash and log files are attached. Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub — the largest and most advanced development platform in the world. they're used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task. A 2000 series NVidia GPU can encode 4K/60 at less than 5% load (and that’s gpu loaf, cpu loaf is essentially zero). If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. Might help to make the distinction between it overperforming via Boot Camp or underperforming on a Hackintosh. AMD ThinkPad worked out of the box, did everything I described above, and CPU utilization stayed around 2-3%, and I couldn't even notice it was running while using other apps. - send ASIO device input (microphone) from Ableton to zoom after voice FX. The best option at the time seemed to be Fraps. I'll say that even most modern desktop CPUs would use about a CPU core when encoding x264 even on fast preset at 1080p. One common attribute I found for all these games are that they are "true full screen". OBS 0.659 has no problem capturing my gameplay, while newer versions gives, like I said, black screen on recording. jp9000/Jim for Open Broadcaster Software Studio and continued development help. >NVIDIA Broadcast is a universal plugin that works with most popular live streaming, voice chat and video conferencing apps. The biggest problem - it doesn't work[1][2] with Wayland. It really shows. Here's a neat use of OBS by Scott Hanselman for PowerPoint presentations: All I want is for NVENC to work on MacOS. We'd like to merge it as well, but it's still very much a work in progress, and there's some major hurdles with both Wayland itself and Qt that need to be addressed first. It does its job in a clear and specific manner, and exposes as many levers as you need in the controls. At that point, I think I got 720p reliable, but not 1080p. Platform-specific stuff kinda sucks but it's the nature of the beast. I have a project that is designed to run 24/7 and it would be really nice if I could use a cloud server instead of a computer on my home network. Side note: Has an abandoned project of this size ever been forked and continued by another team? Do you mean Twitch and Facebook? OBS is such a great tool. Is it some DRM problem? Unbelievable power. The CPU/GPU usage for streaming depends mostly on the encoder that you're using. Just need to find an affordable online option. He's saying he is about to up (or increase) that by $100/mo. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. This has indeed been my experience. OBS will probably not add any specific code to support non-conforming device(s) without an external maintainer willing to keep the needed code updated over the years. AMD has an equivalent "Video Coding Engine" (VCE) which is supported through "Video Toolbox" (an apple API) as mentioned by another commentor although there is some talk of the quality not being as high no idea how relevant that is the current AMD cards in the MacBook Pro 16". All the Patreon Subscribers: Anaz Haidhar, AJ, Benhamin Hoffmeister, Bo, Bryan Furia, DaOrgest, Dominik roth, Jeremy "razorlikes" Nieth, Kristian Kirkesæther, Kuo Sith, Kytos, Nicholas Kreimeyer, Nico Thate, NoxiousPluK, nwgat.ninj, Oldgam3r, Omega Drik Mage, prefixs, Rene "vDex" Dirks, shiny, Simon Vacker, SneakyJoe, Spikeypop, Vinicius Guilherme. Indeed. 2) wayland support - this is dependent on other projects too, I use Gnome which doesnt allow screen capture yet. And a new version of OBS that supports virtual cam feature is the topic. It's an incredible piece of software. I'll be very interested to see what happens to OBS now that Nvidia is directly competing with them with Nvidia Broadcast: Isn't nvidia broadcast just some tools that plug into your existing streaming software? Well 'recent' is since 2012, which I suspect the vast majority of Nvidia gpus out there are newer than that. AMD Advanced Media Framework Encoder Plugin for Open Broadcaster Studio. They'd be in a pickle if tomorrow OBS Studio were to disappear. Learn more. My colleagues keep spawning Teams meetings just to record their screens; meanwhile, I can open OBS, add a screen recording element, resize it however I like, set the bitrate, encoding type, resolution, scaling, and record beautiful 60fps demos. I'm not at my machine, but it should read something like "Apple hardware accelerated $FOOBAR". By clicking OK, you consent to the use of cookies. Same goes if you have an Intel CPU with an iGPU and use QuickSync or AMD's GPU encoder. I've only been a user for a short, short time but it's amazing.
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