Use the LEFT ARROW key to collapse an expanded feature. For more information about this change, read this blog post. The 2010 Office suite Setup program will not restart after an initial installation is interrupted. I want to add a second Microsoft account's OneDrive to my Office apps. If you only want to install certain programs from your Office suite - for example, you have Office Home and Business and want to install Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook but not OneNote – you can choose a custom installation during setup. Or, if you purchased online, you can go directly to the Microsoft 365 My Account page to manage your account and installs, because Microsoft 365 was set up automatically.. System requirements When you have selected the feature that you want to change, press SPACEBAR to display the menu of setup choices. In the navigation pane of Account Settings, select Copies & Folders for your email account. Step 3: Enter your Office product key, without hyphens. Stay connected and productive with this suite of Microsoft Office apps. Exchange and Outlook Web App use a folder named Sent Items. Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to select the setup option that you want, and then press ENTER. Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. Insert the Office 2010 disc into the drive. However, if the 64-bit version is a better choice, follow the 64-bit installation procedure in this article. Step 2: In the Sign in to set up Office window, select I don't want to sign in or create an account (it's a small link at the bottom of the window). If you're trying to sign in to Office with your Microsoft account, you may get a message asking you for parental permission or to verify your age. In the Office Setup dialog box, click Add or Remove Features, and then click Next. Uninstall any 32-bit versions of Office. In the Office Setup dialog box, click Add or Remove Features, and then click Next. Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Entourage suite. If your home or office is wired for Ethernet, set up the devices in rooms that have Ethernet jacks and then plug them directly into the Ethernet jacks. After you select this check box, a copy of the messages you retrieve to your local computer will be kept on the server. Open Mozilla Thunderbird. If you install another Microsoft program after you receive the error message that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section, you may experience problems with the program's Help system if you follow these steps. From Start, select the Mail tile. Microsoft Windows XP Click Add or Remove Programs, and then click Change or Remove Programs. If you added a personal Microsoft Account, and haven't added a Microsoft 365 for business account yet, see Set up email on Windows Phone to add one to your device. Add your email account to the Windows 8 Mail app. Improve email communications and create your own marketing objects on PC. Note: If you want to add multiple Microsoft Accounts and Microsoft 365 for business accounts, we recommend you Set up Office mobile apps on a Windows mobile device. Click Set up or change your Internet connection. Seeking Setup / Caster Advice. See Uninstall or remove Office 2010. Note: Leave the Port option set to Auto. Click the name of the Microsoft Office suite or program you want to change, and then click Change. The Office Deployment Tool (ODT) is a command-line tool that you can use to download and deploy Click-to-Run versions of Office, such as Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, to your client computers. Not Available . Enter your personal Microsoft account or Microsoft 365 work or school account email address and password. Then, tap an app to open it. In Outlook Web App, on the toolbar, click Settings In the Activation wizard, click I want to activate the software over the Internet, and then follow the prompts. If you installed another Microsoft program after you receive the error message that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section, uninstall the program before you follow these steps. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Install now Run all from My Computer The feature and all of its subfeatures will be installed and stored on your hard disk when you complete Setup. Click the custom installation options that you want: Click a plus sign (+) to expand a folder and see more features. On the Installation Options tab, right click the programs that you do not want installed, and then click > Options > Account > My account > Settings for POP or IMAP access. These instructions apply to Windows and Mac. Note: If you're in the OneNote app, simply tap Settings > Help. I need help with using the Office apps on my Windows Phone. If you sign in with a Microsoft account that’s associated with Office 2016 or Office 2019, you’ll get the option to upgrade to Microsoft 365.
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